
Turismo de Salamanca. Portal Oficial

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  • Walks through the city: invitations can be reserved at salamancaymas.es/paseos-por-salamanca, Oficina de Información Turística (Tourist Information Office), Plaza Mayor 32, and Monumenta Salmanticae, Calle Veracruz.
    • Walk 1. Meeting point at the Oficina de Información Turística, Plaza Mayor 32. At 12h and 17:30h. Route: Church of San Julián and Santa Basilisa, Calle San Pablo, Church of San Pablo, Church of El Carmen de Abajo, and the Well for Storing Snow.
    • Walk 2. Meeting point at the Church of La Vera Cruz, Campo de San Francisco. At 12h and 17:30h. Route: Convento de las Úrsulas, College of Archbishop Fonseca, Chapel of the Venerable Third Order of San Francisco, Church of La Purísima, Church of San Benito, Church of El Espíritu Santo, Historic Building of the University, and Patio de Escuelas Menores.
    • Walk 3. Meeting point at the Oficina de Información Turística, Plaza Mayor 32. At 12h and 17:30h. Route: Church of San Martín, Rúa Mayor, Church of San Sebastián, Convento de San Esteban, Convento de Las Dueñas, Calle del Rosario, Avenida de la Aldehuela, Arco del Perdón, and the new Convento de las Madres
    • Walk 4. Meeting point at the Monumenta Salmanticae, Calle Veracruz. At 12h and 17:30h. Route: Catedral de Salamanca, Roman Bridge, New Church of La Santísima Trinidad del Arrabal, and Old Church of La Santísima Trinidad del Arrabal.

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